Eco-Lifestyle Three-Dimensional Artwork Competition 2022
Mon, Aug 15
Themes: Understanding Energy Efficiency, Practising Low Energy Lifestyle.

Time and Location
Aug 15, 2022, 5:00 PM GMT+8 – Nov 30, 2022, 11:59 PM GMT+8
Eco-Lifestyle 3D Artwork Competition 2022
Supporting Organisations: The Sun Museum Hong Kong, OISCA International Hong Kong,
Y’s Men’s Club NW Hong Kong, and Yuen Long Town Hall Hong Kong.
Themes: “Understanding Energy Efficiency, Practising Low Energy Lifestyle”
Purposes:Promoting and practising energy-efficient lifestyles.
Qualifications:For Secondary-school Students of the Hong Kong SAR and the Greater Bay Area.
Competition: Each school may send 1 or more teams, each team comprises 5 students (and 1 teacher as advisor).
1) Heat: (15 August to 30 September, 2022)
a) Each team shall submit an “Action Plan”, with reference to the information from the following website sites, plus additional information relevant to the Themes and Purposes.
b) Twenty (20) teams will be short-listed to enter the Final.
2) Final: (17 October to 30 November 2022)
a) Each of the 20 short-listed Teams will receive a maximum sponsorship of HK$1000 for purchasing materials, stationery and relevant miscellaneous items needed for materialising the “Action Plan” into a Three-Dimensional Artwork (The “Artwork”).
b) After the “Artwork” is completed, the competing Team shall present it by photos (not more than 5) and a video (in not more than 3 minutes).
c) The Video shall show Team Members introducing their Artworks, highlighting the energy-efficient elements, and practicability of their Action Plans.
Adjudication Criteria:
a) Heat : The “Action Plan” will be assessed on the basis of the following items:
50% -- Relevance of the Contents (able to reflect the Themes and Purposes of the Competition)
30% -- Practicability
20% -- Creativity
b) Final: The “Artwork” will be assessed on the basis of the 5 photos and videos submitted, of which:
40% -- Relevance of the Contents (able to reflect the Themes and Purposes of the Competition)
30% -- Artistic quality
20% -- Creativity
10% -- Public Endorsement (The highest number of “Like” received by the Artwork in the Surein Foundation Facebook within two weeks of the launch of the Artwork will constitute “The Most-endorsed Artwork”).
Joining method
a) Heat:
Interested school teachers and students are required to fill out the Application Form and Action Plan, and submit online before midnight, 30 September 2022.
b) Final:
a. The 20 Finalists shall,using the link to be provided, upload the files containing the Photos and Videos of their “Artworks”, before midnight on 30th November 2022.
b. The Photos and Videos will be put on the Surein Foundation Facebook for testing their “Public Endorsement”.
c. Finalists should preserve their Artworks up to the end of February 2023, so that they can be available for the public exhibition at a later date.
Particular Specifications of the Artworks:
a) Dimensions: 30cm (L) x 30 cm (W) x 30cm (H).
b) Materials: Only Environmentally-friendly materials which are safe for daily lifestyle use are acceptable.
c) Technical requirements:
a. Artwork photos – maximum of 5 photos, in JPEG format, max 25 MB.
b. Video – Not to exceed 3 minutes,in MPEG、MP4 or MOV format. Resolutions not lower than 1080x608 pixels (16:9). Should the video be larger than 100 MB,compression shall be required.
a) Heat: midnight on 30 September 2022
b) Final: midnight on 30 November 2022
Adjudication will be performed by a Panel formed from Members of Professional.
Winners will be notified by email, phone, and in the Surein Foundation website ( in December 2022.
First Prize (1 Team) -- A Certificate, a book voucher at HK$3000, and a Championship Cup.
Second Prize (2 Teams) -- A Certificate, a book voucher at HK$2000, and a Runners-Up Cup for each Team.
Third Prize (3 Teams) -- A Certificate, a book voucher at HK$1000, and a Cup for each Team.
Merit Prize (14 Teams) -- A Certificate and a Cup for each Team.
The Highest Participation School -- A Certificate and a Cup.
The Most Creative Team -- A Certificate, and a Cup.
The Most Endorsed Artwork -- A Certificate, and a Cup.
Exhibition: The winners’ works will be exhibited in the Surein Foundation Website, Facebook, and public forums.
Points to Note:
a. Competitors shall comply with the Competition Rules. Violators will be disqualified.
b. Works submitted must be original, and have not been submitted to other competitions.
c. Competitors warrant that their submitted works do not infringe the intellectual property rights of any person(s) or corporation(s) nor have there been claims from third parties. Violators will be disqualified from the competition. The consequential legal responsibilities shall be borne personally by the competitors concerned. The competitors shall also indemnify the Surein Foundation for all liabilities incurred as a result of their breach of warranty.
d. The Surein Foundation may print, promulgate, publish and exhibit the works received, without the need for consent of the competitors, or payment of fees.
e. The decision on winning entries by the Surein Foundation shall be final.
Personal privacy:
The Surein Foundation and Supporting Organisations take a compliant approach in using personal data collected. Such data are used in relation to this Competition and for environmental education purposes. Please inform the Foundation in writing if you do not wish your personal data to be used in this way.
Enquiries: Phone: 31816437, 63640688 (WhatsApp/WeChat) (Ms Chan)